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    Saturday, October 29, 2011

    long overdue...

    Suppose to have posted this long time ago but never found time to do it. So on this lovely Sat morning where there's no meetings to attend to (Once in a blue blue moon), I shall post this down as a form of reminder for myself as well.

    And its about birthdays. I don't know what you look forward to during those moments but I, in a certain sense, don't really look forward to it. But as much as I don't really celebrate and 'care' much about birthdays, there is always a joy and thrill to receive a wrapped gift. But what makes each birthday special is to know that u have grown and mature, seen in the notes people write for u. I guess that my 'love language', where encouraging notes is what I look for.
    And my prayer for my 2011 bday would be to be someone who is:
    1) Practical yet Biblical
    2) Fun Loving yet God Fearing

    I mean, God created everything for our pleasure, its just because of our sin that is why things meant to be good becomes evil. And the Bible is meant to teach us about life and how to live it well so why can't one live enjoying the things God created in this world and at the same time live within God's boundaries? I aim to live that kind of a life.

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